To buttress on the learning experience gained in the classroom, an appreciable array of clubs and societies are made available to boast student’s competence. These include;
- The Junior Engineers Technicians and Scientist (JETS) Club.
- The Literary and Debating Cub.
- The social and drama club
- The Young farmers club.
- Press club
- Drug-Free club
- Ethics and Value club
- Fellowship of Christian students (FCS).
- Nigeria Fellowship Of Pentacostal Student (NIFOPS)
- French club.
- Mathematics Club.
This list is inexhaustible as the school makes it a habit to introduce new clubs and modify the existing ones to be in par with evolving challenges in bid to offer our precocious students a content-rich curriculum. It is mandatory that students belong to at least one of the above listed clubs most two.
In Adonai Vine School, The essence of the house is to foster more healthy competition among the students in the area of academic and spots. The school has four (4) houses;
• Bethel (blue) house
• Canaan (Yellow) House
• Goshen (Green house)
• Hebron (Red) house
The activities of each house will be coordinated by a house master (HM), whose tenure is determined at the management’s discretion. Every house member is duty bound to participate fully in any event that requires the house involvement.